Baby & Toddler Equipment & Delivery
Bring Less - No Stress!

Nap Time
cribs, pack n plays
monitors & sleep aids

On the Go
Car seats, strollers
& beach items

Comforts of Home
high chairs, bath tubs,
baby gates & fun time

Beach Umbrella
virgin-islands-baby-toys-rental-baby-beach-umbrella_thumb_other250_0. beach-umbrella-carry-bag.
On the Go
Beach Umbrella

Protecting yourself and your family from the sun is a challenging task.

weekly price: $25

        • Brands and colors may vary
        • UPF 50+ 6' Diameter.
        • Light-weight, rust-free, dull anodonized aluminum pole
        • Carry bag for easy transporting

*Not recommended for breezy or windy days.

**We have yet to find the ultimate solution in sun protection. Umbrellas can help but are not the answer. Please apply and reapply sunscreen.

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